On June 22, 2017 in the Geographical Center of Ukraine, on the territory of Uman, Cherkassy region, “TerraVita Ukraine” LTD together with its partner “Sedna-Agro” LTD held the Field Day.
About 200 participants visited our event, among them were representatives of agricultural enterprises, our distributors, including SPE Firm “Eridon”, “Spectr-Agro” LTD, “Torgoviy Dom Nasinnya” LTD, “Imperiya-Agro” LTD, “Sedna-Agro” LTD, and others.
The General Director of ”TerraVita Ukraine” LTD Markarova Karina and the General Director of “Sedna-Agro” LTD Yarovoy Oleg addressed to the participants with words of welcome and opened the Field Day.
The plenary part was conducted by Krynichniy Valery, Deputy Commercial Director of TerraVita Ukraina LTD, who told about herbicides of the company and Krasovksiy Alexander, the representative in the Western region, who told about insecticides, fungicides and seed treatment products.
The Commercial Director of “TerraVita Ukraine” LTD Markarov Maxim told about microfertilizers and foliar plant nutrition.
After the presentation was finished, the participants took part in a quiz on knowledge of the company’s products. The winners were presented gifts, namely 20L of microfertilizer Solu B, Sl.
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At the demo field “Agro Arena” in Uman the participants of the event had an opportunity to see the results of application of the various plant protection systems from “TerraVita Ukraine” LTD in the technology of growing of sunflower, soybean, peas, corn.
The regional manager of “TerraVita Ukraine” LTD in Vinnytsia, Bilyk Vitaliy, presented to the participants the crop protection system from the company “TerraVita of Ukraine.
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The 1-st variant: Pre-sowing application of the soil-applied herbicide Pandora 500 SC (s-metolachlor, 312.5 g/l + terbuthylazine, 187.5 g/l) at the dose rate 4.5 l / ha.
The 2-nd variant: Pre-sowing application of soil-applied herbicides Proxanil 720, EC (propisochlor, 720 g /l) at the dose rate of 2.0 l/ha + Stargezan 500 SC (prometrin, 500 g/l) at the dose rate of 2.0 l/ha.
The application of fungicides Goldazim 500, SC (carbendazim, 500 g/l) at the dose rate 0.5 l/ha, and Taffin 320 SC (azoxystrobin, 120 g/ l + cyproconazole, 120 g/l) at the dose rate 0.7 l/ha, In the corresponding phases of the crop development, and microfertilizer Solu B, SL (Boron 150 g/l) twice at the dose rate 1.0 l/ha ensured reliable protection of sunflower crops from the diseases.
Pre-sowing application of the soil herbicide Pioneer 900 EC (acetochlor, 900 g / l) at the dose rate 2.5 l/ha, with the following application of Salute 40 OD (nicosulfuron, 40 g/l) at the dose rate 1 l/ha (in case of second wave of weeds), provided effective long-term protection of corn crops from weeds. To compensate the zinc deficit, microfertilizer Zn-L, Zn (Zn zinc-10.4%, S sulfur-11.2%), at the dose rate 1.5 l/ha, was applied.
The subject of special interest was the variant with the application of Pandora 500 SC (S-metolachlor, 312.5 g/l + terbutylazine, 187.2 g/l) at the dose rate of 4.5 l/ha during corn sprouting in the phase of 3-4 leaves, it showed an excellent control of all the weeds under the soil moisture deficit. CODA Zn-L, SL was also applied at the dose rate 1.5 l/ha to compensate zinc deficit.
The mixture of soil-applied herbicides Proxanil 720, EC at the dose rate 2.0 l/ha + Stargezan 500 SC at the dose rate 2.0 l/ha was applied. The following application of the mixture of fungicides Fulgor 250 SC (flutriafol, 250 g/l) at the dose rate 0.4 l/ha + Goldazim 500 SC (carbendazim, 500 g/l) at the dose rate 0.5 l/ha + Solu B, SL at the dose rate 1.0 l/ha, and application of fungicide Taffin 320 SC six days later at the dose rate 0.7 l/ha + Solu B. SL at the dose rate 1.0 l/ha provided reliable protection against diseases and compensated lack of boron.
-Pea: The herbicide Grantox 500, SL (MCLP, 500 Na/K/DMA) was applied at the dose rate 0.5 l/ha against annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds. The graminicide Toplanz 240 EC (clethodim, 240 g/l) was applied at the dose rate 0.4 l/ha + 1,2 l/ha in the correspondind phase of cereal weeds (annual 2-4 leaves of weeds, perennial at a height of 10-15 cm of weed). The insecticide Bestseller Turbo 200, SC (alpha-cypermethrin, 200 g/l) was applied at the dose rate 0.08 l/ha aganst wide range of pests.
During the observation the participants of the event discussed topical issues which require an immediate solution. Participants and organizers of Field Day exchanged practical experience, their impressions and wished good harvests in the end to all those, who are involved in the agricultural work.